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RBHA 이사회 만장기

리치몬드 시의 행동 건강 및 발달 장애 서비스 제공업체로 지정된 RBHA는 자원 봉사 위원회의 지배를 받습니다. RBHA 이사회는 RBHA의 사명에 열정적 인 개인으로 구성되어 있습니다. 이사회 구성원은 리치몬드 시의회에 의해 3 년 임기로 임명됩니다.

Board of Directors, Fiscal Year 2024

  • Irvin L. Dallas, Chair
  • Karah L. Gunther, JD, MHA, Vice Chair
  • Malesia A. Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Jenny A. Aghomo
  • Tameisha Archer
  • Kristi L. Babenko
  • 스콧 에프 칸나디
  • Aria M. Kirkland-Harris, M.Ed., M.Div.
  • Cynthia Newbille, Ph.D.
  • Anika Richburg, BA Com.
  • Rev. Dana C. Sally-Allen
  • 에두아르도 P.G. 비달
  • Stephen Willoughby, MPA

RBHA 보드에 문의하기


이사회 구성원 이름
c/o 근접 에반스
107 S. 다섯 번째 거리
리치몬드, VA 23219








RBHA 경영진 리더십 팀을 만나보세요

Susan Hoover, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

Susan J. Hoover is a licensed clinical social worker and has served at RBHA for over 30 years; serving as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) since 2015. Prior to her role as CAO, Susan served as Director of Quality and Standards and spent the first 15 years of her career at RBHA in clinical services with the Emergency Services Unit and the Mental Health Division. She was instrumental in implementing the first PACT Team (Program of Assertive Community Treatment) at RBHA. Susan looks forward to continuing to support the RBHA mission.

빌 펠로우스, 최고 재무 책임자

Bill은 2016년부터 최고 재무 책임자(CFO)로 재직했습니다.   RBHA의 CFO로 근무하기 전에 Bill은 정부와 비영리 부문 모두에서 감사로 공공 회계에서 근무했습니다.   빌은 크리스토퍼 뉴포트 대학교회계학 학위를 취득했으며 미국 해안 경비대에서 은퇴하여 수색 및 구조 헬리콥터의 비행 정비사 및 승무원 책임자로 재직했습니다.

RBHA에서 일하면서 Bill은 내부 제어 기능을 강화하고 재무 보고 프로세스를 개선하며 이전 감사 결과를 제거하기 위해 노력했습니다.   CFO로서 Bill은 특히 가능한 한 종이 사용을 줄이기 위해 프로세스 를 자동화함으로써 조직 내 재무 프로세스를 지속적으로 개선하기를 기대합니다.

셰니 맥크레이, 정신 건강 서비스 최고 운영 책임자

Shenee McCray, LCSW is the Chief Operating Officer for Mental Health Services at the Richmond Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA), where she has worked for more than 20 years and served in her current role for over five years. Prior to her role as Chief Operating Officer, Ms. McCray held various leadership positions within the agency since 2005. Ms. McCray has been instrumental in implementing Same Day Access and Permanent Supportive Housing among other mental health programs and looks forward to expanding access to school-based mental health services.

크리스티 제드, 개발 서비스 최고 운영 책임자

Cristi Zedd has served in her current role of Chief Operations Officer of Developmental Services (previously titled Division Director of Developmental Services) since January 2011. Cristi joined RBHA in February 2007 as the Developmental Services Children’s Manager where she provided the overall direction and leadership of case management services for children birth to 22 years old. In July 2010, Cristi was instrumental in bringing Part C/ Early Intervention Services to RBHA and establishing RBHA as the Local Lead Agency for these federally mandated services. Furthermore, Cristi has been pivotal in leading and directing systemic change at the local, regional and state level by providing more integrated, person-centered, community based services for individuals with developmental disabilities. More specifically, she was a key partner in developing, implementing and operating regionally based statewide crisis prevention, mobile and residential crisis stabilization programs (REACH) for individuals with developmental disability and dual mental health diagnoses. Cristi has served at RBHA for over 16 years.

짐 메이, 최고 운영 책임자, 보조금, 연구, 평가 및 계획, 약물 사용 및 예방 서비스

짐 메이   박사가 리치몬드 행동 보건 당국 (RBHA)의 최고 운영 책임자로서 조직의 계획, 개발 (보조금), 연구, 평가 및 약물 사용 장애 치료 및 예방 서비스를 이끌고 있습니다.    메이 박사는 버지니아 커먼웰스 대학교에서 임상 심리학 박사 학위를 받았으며 대부분의 경력을 통해 리치몬드에서 근무했습니다. 메이 박사는 리치몬드 시민을 위한 서비스 확장을 지원하기 위해 40M 이상의 추가 주 및 연방 수입으로 누적적으로 가져온 수많은 보조금에 대한 1 차 조사관이었습니다.    최근 보조금에는 RBHA에 통합 1 차 건강 관리 클리닉을 설립한 것, 임산부를 위한 주거 치료 서비스를 확대하기 위한 현재 보조금, 공인 지역 사회 행동 보건 센터로 RBHA 설립을 위한 또 다른 보조금이 포함되었습니다.    메이 박사는 최근 RBHA의 노스 캠퍼스에 새로운 서비스 프로그램의 개발과 리치몬드에서 현재의 오피오이드 전염병을 해결하기 위해 혁신적인 사무실 기반 오피오이드 치료 서비스 프로그램을 주도하고있다.  

Amy Erb, Senior Director of Regional Programs

Amy Erb has served in the position of Director of Regional Programs since 2012. Prior to her role as Regional Programs Director, Amy worked in various direct service, supervisory, and leadership roles on RBHA’s Adult Mental Health Division.  During her time with RBHA, Amy has been involved with residential and homeless services programs, integrated care initiatives, development of peer employment, and veterans programs.  She looks forward to continuing to lead the Region 4 Programs team and collaborating with regional partners in an ever-changing behavioral health environment.  Amy has served at RBHA for over 20 years.

Michael Tutt, Senior Director of Human Resources

Michael Tutt has served in the position of Director of Human Resources since November 15, 2010 Before his role as the Director of HR, Michael was committed to serving the Richmond community as Case Manager with the Mobile Team from 1992 –1998, then at the Psycho-Social program from 1998- 2005, where he was quickly able to utilize his vast knowledge of direct services to drive change and establish a robust HR Help Center. Michael has been instrumental in expanding the Human Resources Team and is an advocate for implementing best practices established by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Michael is dedicated to innovating process improvements to encourage the professional growth and development of our workforce through the ease and accessibility of resources. Michael looks forward to adding digital practices to create a more streamlined and efficient Human Resources Team, continuing to add value to the organization, and, most importantly guide the ethical standards of RBHA. Michael has served RBHA and the community for over 30 years.

Meleese Evans, 최고 경영자 및 RBHA 이사회 집행 보조

Meleese has served in the position of Executive Assistant since December 23, 2013. Prior to her role as an Executive Assistant, Meleese worked at RBHA as Administrative Assistant in the Executive Office, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Developmental Services, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Mental Health Services, and Office Associate in Mental Health Services. Meleese has worked at RBHA for over 29 years.


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