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이달의 직원

Debra Fleshman

3/4/2025 12:00:00 AM

Debra Fleshman

RICH Clinic Nurse Practitioner

Debra Fleshman has been a full-time prescriber in the RICH Clinic since 2021. She has helped us in supporting our individuals through COVID, Electronic Health Record transitions, water crises, and snow days. Normally a team of two, Debra has, since December, been acting as the sole Nurse Practitioner in the clinic. She has exhibited an increased level of commitment and dedication to the individuals we serve each day covering ongoing primary care services. Office Based Addiction Treatment services, pharmacy refill requests and scheduling last minute patients.

Rita Gray

2/25/2025 12:00:00 AM

Rita Gray

Office Associate II, Administration/General Services

Rita Gray is recognized as Employee of the Month and for her outstanding 51 years of service to RBHA. Rita started her career with the City of Richmond on July 1,1973 and then moved to RBHA, formerly Richmond City Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, in 1974 holding various positions. In 2006, Rita moved to the front desk/lobby at 5th Street and remained there until October of 2022 when she and the switchboard moved to the Cary St. location. Rita has been the heart and soul of our front desk, providing exceptional customer service and creating a welcoming environment for everyone who walks through our doors. Rita has been an unwavering pillar of excellence for over 50 years. Rita's dedication, professionalism and exceptional communication skills have made a profound impact on our individuals and, her colleagues and organization as a whole. From her ability to connect with our individuals and efficiently guide them to the right solutions, to her proactive approach in resolving issues before they escalate, Rita exemplifies the gold standard in service. Rita's "go for the gold" mindset has set a benchmark for excellence that inspires everyone around her. She's truly an invaluable part of RBH. Rita’s unwavering dedication and commitment to her work, along with her excellence makes her an outstanding candidate for this award. Rita has made a lasting impact on everyone who has had the privilege to work with her.

Jennifer Jones

1/10/2025 12:00:00 AM

Jennifer Jones

Mental Health Support Services Case Manager, Adult Mental Health

Jennifer has proven to be an asset to her team. She is resourceful and prioritizes collaborative care. Jennifer goes above and beyond to advocate for her clients internally and amongst community providers. Jennifer's clients never miss an opportunity to let her supervisor know the help that she is to them and her dedication to their skill development. Jennifer continues to score 95 or higher on monthly chart audits. Jennifer is always willing to assist her team with understanding trainings and suggesting interventions that may be helpful to her peers.

Ella Robertson

11/8/2024 12:00:00 AM

Ella Robertson

Adult Transition Home Clinician, Developmental Services/REACH

Ella has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to the program, making her an outstanding candidate for Employee of the Month. With the Adult Transition Home (ATH) currently down two critical positions, Ella has stepped up and gone above and beyond to ensure smooth operations. She consistently arrives early and stays late, making sure all tasks are completed without hesitation or complaint. Her unwavering support extends to both the residents and direct care staff, offering 1:1 education and coaching when needed. Ella’s excellent communication with community providers further strengthens the program, leaving a lasting, positive impact on everyone she encounters. Her proactive approach and tireless efforts exemplify the spirit of teamwork and leadership.

Tiffany Cook, LCSW

10/18/2024 12:00:00 AM

Tiffany Cook, LCSW

Clinical Supervisor II, Crisis Stabilization Unit

The Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) has been working with a complex client admitted for psychiatric stabilization since July 2024. The intricacies of the client's case management needs left him without a point of contact and the inability to care for himself if discharged from CSU without considerable assistance. Tiffany rallied local, regional, and outside regions to support the client in beginning the process to apply for Medicaid, navigate Department of Social Services, and liaise with community partners to ensure the client can meet all of his basic needs. With an average length of stay at CSU being 5-7 days, this case is exceptionally atypical. Tiffany has modeled the way and maintained momentum for a client who has no one else to advocate on his behalf. Tiffany has also been identified as the CSU's subject matter expert to assist with the development, training, and roll-out of the new Electronic Health Record.

Alice Robison, LPN

7/22/2024 12:00:00 AM

Alice Robison, LPN

Nurse, Assertive Community Treatment Team

Alicé is a great team player who is always willing to assist others. She helps keep morale high by telling jokes and she always has a smile on her face. She works well with other providers in the community and maintains strong relationships with the assisted living facilities. Alicé has been a steadfast member of the ACT team for several years. She is compassionate and driven to provide quality services to our individuals. She demonstrates patience and empathy when providing services and goes above and beyond to meet the needs of the individuals and the team.


5/31/2024 12:00:00 AM


Agency Advocate, Quality and Standards

Nora transitioned to the Quality and Standards (Q&S) Division in January 2023 as our agency advocate and hit the ground running. Part of her role is communicating with individuals, staff, and stakeholders regularly for any concerns and complaints. Nora has received complimentary feedback from other divisions for her excellent work in creative problem solving and patience with re-occurring individual complaints. Nora has also initiated updates to our investigation process, to include updates to documents used for clarity and ease of use as well as revamping our quarterly report for the Access Committee. Nora continues to be a valued team member and we are grateful she is part of the Q&S division.


3/29/2024 12:00:00 AM


Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Human Resources Department

Best known for her exceptional contributions to increasing employee appreciation initiatives at RBHA. Dara’s “go for the gold” mentality has made her the ideal leader for all agency-wide appreciation initiatives. From her role in leading the agency employee appreciation committee, to the brilliant details she brought to life at our latest all-staff events, including the 2023 Annual Employee Appreciation Event at The Park RVA and 2023 Benefits fair and Block Party, there is no project too big or small for Dara. Dara’s attention to detail and unique ability to problem solve have truly been an asset to our teams. As a respected team player, Dara always jumps in to help without questions and is committed to providing exceptional customer service and her professionalism is only matched by her helpful, honest, and caring spirit. As an aspiring HR professional, Dara is committed to expanding her excellence beyond the workplace and was recently recognized as the 2023 Rising Star for the Richmond Chapter of The Society of Human Resource Management as well as several professional development grants.

Daphine Woodson, AAS, R-CPRS

2/6/2024 12:00:00 AM

Daphine Woodson, AAS, R-CPRS

Administrative Coordinator, Adult Substance Use Disorders Services

In December 2023, Chelsea Hill had to be shut down due to building issues. Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Outpatient Services had to relocate their services to the 5th street location within another SUD Department. Daphine answered the call for help by securing office and group space as well as parking passes. Daphine had the offices cleaned and outfitted with the basics. She assisted in establishing a workflow for us to escort 10-15 individuals through the building for group and communicated with reception and security to alert them of this change. Frequently, Daphine assists SUD Outpatient Services in ordering various supplies and with submission of receipts for reimbursement. Daphine does all of this outside of her regular work duties with the Adult SUD Unit.

Jenny Kelly, LPC LSATP

1/8/2024 12:00:00 AM

Jenny Kelly, LPC LSATP

Region 4 Hub Manager, Regional Programs

"Thank you for your partnership; I appreciate you wholeheartedly." This is a small sample of the tone Ms. Kelly sets as she delivers outstanding internal and external customer service. In the rapid-paced development of the regional crisis hub, 988 lifeline rollout, mobile crisis response dispatch, and Marcus Alert initiatives, Ms. Kelly has worked to educate herself and others about multi-faceted change, communicate clearly and consistently and be responsive to an abundance of partners. She has demonstrated deep commitment to all partners by establishing many workgroups, check-in meetings, presentations, and other means to inform, train and support all parties. Ms. Kelly committed to becoming a subject matter expert in the Virginia crisis connect data platform, mobile crisis and community stabilization regulations, and provider training expectations. She not only helped develop, message, and drive new processes but rallied the teams with her morale boosting energy!

Mary Richards

12/31/2023 12:00:00 AM

Mary Richards

Waiver Resource Specialist, Developmental Services

Mary has served as a dedicated employee to RBH for twelve years. Mary has served as the Waiver Resource Specialist for the division since its creation in January 2017. Her position is both unique and invaluable in that she supports the entire division regarding all things DD waiver, guardianship, housing, and long-term Medicaid. She serves as a liaison with both our external waiver providers as well as DBHDS and DSS to ensure services, supports and benefits for the individuals and families we serve remain intact. Mary also serves as a direct support role for our Support Coordinators (SC) by reviewing and authorizing ALL waiver services authorizations. Mary is extremely dedicated and a strong advocate for both the individuals we serve and her fellow co-workers. Her job and oversight ensures the continuation of the supports and services our individuals need and she takes that job very seriously. Providers and fellow colleagues have praised Mary on multiple occasions about her hard work ethic, friendly disposition and helpful, positive attitude.

Nikai Carter

10/17/2023 12:00:00 AM

Nikai Carter

Reach Maintenance Worker, Developmental Services

Nikai consistently goes above and beyond in his role by ensuring that the homes under his care meet all the necessary licensure requirements. He conducts thorough monthly inspections to make sure that the facilities are in compliance and adhere to the standards set forth by the organization and regulatory bodies. He displays a swift response to maintenance issues, promptly attending to and resolving them. This dedication contributes to the overall smooth functioning of the facilities and the comfort and safety of the residents. His ability to communicate and coordinate with external partners contributes to the overall operational effectiveness of the program. His ability to work collaboratively and his friendly attitude contributes to the positive work environment. His contributions as a Facility Maintenance Worker for the Regional Education Assessment Crisis Services Habilitation (REACH) program demonstrate his dedication, skills, and commitment to the organization's mission.

Kenneth Harris

9/29/2023 12:00:00 AM

Kenneth Harris

Certified Peer Recovery Specialist, Adult Substance Use Disorders Services

Kenneth Harris has worked for a number of years as a peer recovery specialist. Kenneth is assigned to the Alternative Sentencing Project which helps peers who are recently released from incarceration. Kenneth has been overseeing all of the case managers’ clients due to being the only peer on the unit. Kenneth calls all of the clients at least once a month and if there is a problem with the client, he gives information to the case managers. Kenneth is serious about his job, just as he is serious about his recovery. Kenneth will go out of his way to help the clients he serves. Kenneth will talk to the clients even when he is off of work. Kenneth is known to talk to the clients and assist them after hours and on the weekends. Kenneth helps clients get furniture if needed through Caritas. Kenneth also helps clients fill out forms to get their rights restored.

Sadie Hasenfus

8/8/2023 12:00:00 AM

Sadie Hasenfus

Discharge Case Manager, Adult Mental Health, Crisis Stabilization Unit

Since Sadie was hired as the Crisis Stabilization Unit Discharge Planner, she has increased our communication with referral sources throughout a client's admission. Sadie communicates regularly with Region 4 stakeholders, Managed Care Organizations care coordinators, and is routinely recognized by her peers for her excellent work. She is quick to return phone calls to collaborate with partners and is always eager to assist where she can to create a better treatment experience for clients. Sadie is patient and listens closely to client needs. Sadie has also developed a streamlined discharge document for all clients at discharge that provides exceptional detail and person-centered services for wrap-around services.

로비넷 리브스

5/12/2023 12:00:00 AM

로비넷 리브스

노숙자 가족 사례 관리자

로비넷은 거의 36년 전에 RBHA에서 경력을 시작했습니다. 그녀는 이 기간 동안 말 그대로 여러 세대에 걸친 가족들에게 지원과 연민을 제공했습니다. 그녀는 지역사회의 파트너 응급 대피소와 긴밀히 협력하고 노숙자 위기를 겪고 있는 가족을 영구 주택에 연결해 주는 역할을 맡고 있습니다. 그녀는 미소와 긍정적인 태도로 각 물류 문제를 해결하고 항상 필요한 것을 성취할 수 있습니다. 로비넷은 생명을 구하는 사람이며 이달의 직원상을 받을 자격이 충분합니다.

페기 페이지, 심폐 소생술

4/14/2023 12:00:00 AM

페기 페이지, 심폐 소생술

Peer Counselor

Peggy reaches out to patients meeting them where they are and taking the next step to getting them to their scheduled appointments. She makes reminder calls one week before their appointment and then a day before their appointment. If patients miss their scheduled appointment, she calls them to see how RBHA can assist them in making and keeping their next appointment. Peggy is also instrumental in helping patients who do not have a Case manager take the next steps to help with housing assistance and food assistance. Peggy will do what it takes to get the patient the resources they need, including assisting Case Managers in connecting with patients.

앰버 스피비, LCSW

3/15/2023 12:00:00 AM

앰버 스피비, LCSW

적극적 지역사회 치료(ACT) 프로그램 관리자 II

특히 이번 수상은 앰버의 팀 전체가 앰버를 후보로 추천했다는 점에서 더욱 특별합니다. ACT 팀은 앰버의 리더십, 끈기, 열정, 주도성, 참여 및 지원 수준을 높이 평가하여 칭찬해야 한다고 생각했습니다. ACT는 지난 3년 동안 인력 부족으로 어려움을 겪어왔으며, 이 기간 동안 Amber는 팀원들의 업무 부담과 스트레스를 줄이기 위해 매일 상담하고, 주말과 공휴일에도 근무하며 많은 케이스를 처리했습니다. Amber는 다양한 관리 업무 외에도 이러한 업무를 수행합니다. 그녀는 많은 어려움과 장벽을 겪으면서도 가장 기능적이고 견고한 ACT 팀 중 하나를 지원하고 발전시켜 왔습니다.

헤더 니먼, RN

2022-11-16 오전 12:00:00

헤더 니먼, RN

적극적인 지역사회 치료(ACT) 팀 간호사

Heather는 독단적 커뮤니티 치료(ACT) 팀의 모범적인 직원입니다. 그녀의 조직과 세부 사항에 대한 관심은 팀의 약물 투여 시스템을 개선하는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 그녀는 우리 의료 팀을 이끌고 모든 적절한 실험실과 주사가 제 시간에 완료되도록 합니다. Heather는 팀원들이 소비자에 관한 의학적 질문이 있을 때 항상 기꺼이 지원합니다. 헤더, 당신의 헌신에 감사드립니다.

매들린 그레이

2022-10-21 오전 12:00:00

매들린 그레이

품질 및 교육 코디네이터 개발 서비스

Madeline은 2017년 4월부터 DS(Developmental Services) 부서의 일원으로 활동해 왔으며 최근에는 2022년 2월에 DS 품질 및 교육 코디네이터로 전환했습니다. 그녀의 새로운 역할에 발을 들여 놓은 이래로, 그녀는 탄력적이고 자기 동기 부여가 가능하며 DS 품질 팀에 긍정적 인 추가 기능을 보여주었습니다. 그녀는 Equity Council, DS Celebration Committee 및 새로운 EHR 팀을 포함하는 여러 내부위원회의 회원입니다. 외부적으로, 그녀는 지역 IV 지원 조정위원회와 DD CSB 지역 IV 위원회의 DS 대표입니다. 매들린은 항상 동료 팀원들을 공개적으로 지원하고 도울 의향이 있습니다.

앨리슨 로우, LCSW

2022-09-15 오전 12:00:00

앨리슨 로우, LCSW

임상의 II 신속한 접근/외래 환자 서비스

앨리슨은 거의 10 년 동안 RBHA의 전담 직원이었습니다. 앨리슨은 행동 지향적입니다. 그녀의 효율성, 동기 부여 및 일반적인 '할 수있는 태도'는 그녀가 불평없이 도전을 감당할 수있게합니다. 우리가 봉사하는 사람들에 대한 그녀의 헌신은 환상적입니다. 그녀는 매우 위험도가 높고 임상 적 요구가 높은 개인을위한 서비스를 제공했으며 필요할 때 피드백과 지원을 구하면서 은혜와 목적으로 그녀의 역할을 수행했습니다. Alison은 신뢰할 수 있고 유연하며 일관성이 있으며 매우 가치있는 팀원으로 가장 잘 묘사 될 수 있습니다.

야시마 더글라스

2022-08-04 오전 12:00:00

야시마 더글라스

행동 건강 기술자 보좌관

야시마는 치료중인 개인과 훌륭한 관계를 맺고 모든 직원과 경이로운 관계를 맺고 있습니다. 그녀는 치료에 들어가는 개인이 필요한 린넨 및 기타 필요한 품목으로 객실에 적절하게 환영받을 수 있도록합니다. Yashima는 구직 및 가상 면접 설정으로 고객을 지원함으로써 "금을 위해 간다". 그녀는 독립적으로 자신의 일을 수행하고 항상 전문적으로 자신을 제시합니다.

크리스탈 디톤

2022-06-24 오전 12:00:00

크리스탈 디톤

인재 및 인적 자원 준수 관리자

크리스탈은 밝고, 명료하고, 개방적이고, 창의적이고, 열심히 일하는 개인입니다. 그녀는 긍정적 인 에너지와 미소로 여러 가지 작업을 수행하면서 궁극적 인 "할 수있는"태도를 가지고 있습니다. 그녀의 낙관적 인 성격, 접근 가능성 및 매력적인 전문 스타일을 통해 그녀는 직원 및 고용 전망과 효과적으로 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 또한 크리스탈은 "최고 중 최고"를 모집하는 데 매우 열정적이라는 점에 유의해야합니다.

이달의 팀

Staff who worked on-site during the City's Water Crisis

3/6/2025 12:00:00 AM

We would like to recognize our amazing employees who went above and beyond under adverse conditions during the City's Water Crisis. These employees - 165 - continued working on site despite lack of running water, functioning toilets, showers, and, in some cases, heat. All to make sure that the people we serve could continue to receive the services they need. We thank you.

Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Outpatient Services Team

10/18/2024 12:00:00 AM

Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Outpatient Services Team

This team quietly works across programs to help our individuals navigate the twists and turns of recovery. They help individuals carry messy, heavy trauma and all of the feelings that come with it. They manage intense groups with participants who are often emotionally stunted and avoidant. They are often on the receiving end of someone’s displaced anger. Our individuals’ burdens are heavy, but this team perseveres day in and day out trying to creatively engage them in managing their own recovery. This is pretty incredible considering they have maintained a 65% show rate for Outpatient Therapy over the past 3 years (consider the population) and increased participation in Intensive Outpatient Services by 19% in the last year. Since May, we have had a new Admin start who is revolutionizing the office with organization, color and support services. The SUD Outpatient Services team is supportive of one another, creative and a pure joy to supervise.

Richmond Integrated Community Health (RICH) Clinic Team

9/13/2024 12:00:00 AM

Richmond Integrated Community Health (RICH) Clinic Team

During the past several months, this team dedicated significant time and effort to holding a celebratory recognition of the RICH Clinic's 10 years of service. Over the course of several months, which culminated in 2 events in July 2024, the team created unique ways in which to educate the individuals we serve, our staff as well as our community partners on the important services delivered by the RICH primary care clinic and combined office-based addiction treatment and care coordination services. Through funding primarily received from a RBH Foundation mini-grant, this team was able to provide educational activities related to healthy living, raffle prizes, health-related giveaways, family-focused goody bags, and the opportunity for clinic staff to spend time with clients outside of the exam room. Activities promoted wellness for our clients including blood pressure checks, harm reduction tools, Narcan education, and recipes and shopping lists for healthy eating on a budget. Also, ways of self-care, chair exercises and a mediation demonstration.

Outpatient School Based Team-Access, Resilience, and Connection

4/12/2024 12:00:00 AM

Outpatient School Based Team-Access, Resilience, and Connection

It is a pleasure to nominate the Outpatient School Based Team for their exceptional service in the Intake, Assessment, and Outpatient Psychotherapy department with our partner Richmond Public Schools. Earlier this year, they identified a new vision for their work: Access, Resilience, and Connection, naming themselves ARC. Since then, they have been transforming challenges into opportunities to serve Richmond's schoolchildren with unparalleled dedication and creativity. Despite limited spaces and budgets, they've creatively adapted, holding sessions in classrooms and closets and personally funding resources like dollhouses and soft furnishings to create welcoming spaces for therapy. They have taken initiative to create a successful approach with new staff to ensure our relationships with RPS are strong and children receive the highest quality services by designing their own best practices training manual and dedicating personal time to professional development.

Marshall Center Team

3/22/2024 12:00:00 AM

Marshall Center Team

Marshall Center staff have truly embodied the notion of being team players and teamwork over the last year. Like in many of our programs, the Marshall Center experienced staff shortages, to include two very critical positions, a van driver and our program cook. During this long period of shortage, staff members volunteered daily to drive vans and pick up our members for programming, sometimes even having to drive two routes in the mornings and afternoons. Staff also took turns preparing and serving breakfast and lunch each day. All these extra duties were in addition to the regular duties facilitating unit meetings and groups, monitoring members, and completing clinical documentation.

Mental Health Staff Appreciation Committee

1/9/2024 12:00:00 AM

Mental Health Staff Appreciation Committee

The mental health appreciation committee has revived itself "post" COVID, specifically after the division's return to in person office work. New and existing members collaborate to bring joy, gratitude and creative ideas to the division. They meet consistently to keep celebrations on the calendar at a regular frequency. They hare inclusive of all programs and think of ways to celebrate staff for off-site and on-site programs. They have fresh ideas, outside of the normal "treat cart" that we dearly love and appreciate. They are bringing people together socially to help unite the division in group events, but also going a step further by choosing to consider the general well-being and morale of employees. For example, they hosted a series of self-care events, which included meditation, creating personalized "self-care kits" and sensory candles. This committee serves as a hidden leader for the division. Though we all benefit from their efforts, they are without a doubt positively impacting our culture.

Executive Committee of the Senior Leadership Team

12/31/2023 12:00:00 AM

Executive Committee of the Senior Leadership Team

In early 2020, the Executive Leadership team endorsed the creation of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). The purpose of the SLT is to lead the operations of RBHA identifying and solving problems, collaborating across Divisions and teams, influencing positive change, driving implementation of key initiatives, and strengthening communication throughout the organization. Circe, Crystal, and Kim decided that to empower the SLT there needed to be an executive committee to lead the SLT towards realizing their purpose. The executive committee consisted of a chair, vice chair and a communications chair. After no other members volunteered to take on these positions, Circe agreed to be the chair, Crystal the vice chair and Kim the communication chair. The terms are 1 year from July to June. All three of them are serving a second term. Circe, Crystal & Kim believed in the purpose of the SLT and stepped up providing exceptional leadership empowering the team to work together to improve operations.

Early Intervention/Part C, Developmental Services

10/17/2023 12:00:00 AM

Early Intervention/Part C, Developmental Services

Over the past year, the Early Intervention team has developed and implemented an ongoing community-based play group for toddlers and their caregivers in the City of Richmond that supports social communication and learning. The ITC of Richmond supports the development of children, birth to three, primarily in an individualized setting with few opportunities to consistently practice language and social skills within the context of peer interactions outside of those made with siblings and other household members. Young children in the City of Richmond with developmental differences are often left out of community-based activities because of their need for therapeutic support to engage fully and appropriately with their peers and because of the family’s inability to pay for such activities. Parents of EI eligible children often voice concerns of isolation, finding it difficult to connect with other parents of young children experiencing similar developmental delays. A play group was established with these children centered as the target group enabling their parents to find and establish a community of parents with similar challenges helping them to find solutions and access available resources together.

Region 4 Regional Education Assessment Crisis Services Habilitation (REACH) Residential Nurses in Developmental Services

10/6/2023 12:00:00 AM

Region 4 Regional Education Assessment Crisis Services Habilitation (REACH) Residential Nurses in Developmental Services

These Registered Nurses work for the REACH program's residential sites. This team of nurses has demonstrated initiative that went beyond expectations, benefiting both the Region 4 REACH program and RBHA. A youth diagnosed with Autism as well as with medical support needs, was referred to the Child-Crisis Therapeutic Home for a crisis stabilization admission. This youth presents with high behavioral needs but what has complicated his ability to receive care is the fact that he also requires straight catheterization twice daily. The Crisis Therapeutic Homes do not have round the clock nursing, however in an effort to be able to offer these services to this youth and his family (and to prevent his psychiatric hospitalization) our nurses pulled together to provide this medical care throughout his 8-day CCTH stay. He was successfully discharged back to his family home. This was a huge feat as we have thus far been the only program site in the Commonwealth that has been able to accommodate this specific need.

Substance Use Disorders - North Campus Leadership Team

8/8/2023 12:00:00 AM

Substance Use Disorders - North Campus Leadership Team

This leadership team has defied every odd and obstacle thrown at them over the last 3 years to keep the programs open and running. Often, they have worked shifts, including overnights due to ongoing staff shortages. They have facilitated groups and intervened in crises while continuing to work on managing census and intakes/discharges. This team does it all and their efforts symbolize their dedication to the difficult population they serve and to RBHA as an agency. Words don't do justice to everything these individuals have done to continue residential programming.

지역 모바일 위기 대응 훈련팀

3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

지역 모바일 위기 대응 훈련팀

위기 연속체의 확장을 지원하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 다양한 지역 프로그램 내 RBHA 직원들이 모여 고유한 모바일 위기 대응 트레이닝 팀을 구성했습니다. 모든 트레이너는 행동 건강 및 발달 서비스국(DBHDS)의 모바일 위기 대응(MCR) 트레이너 교육 커리큘럼을 이수했습니다. 완료 후, 이 팀은 지역사회 서비스 위원회(CSB)와 지역사회에서 모바일 위기 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 면허를 가진 민간 서비스 제공자 직원 모두에게 이 의무 교육을 제공하기 위한 지역 교육 계획을 개발했습니다. 현재까지 12개의 교육 코호트가 제공되었으며, 총 교육 시간은 429시간에 달합니다. 총 212명의 직원이 성공적으로 교육을 이수했습니다. 이 팀은 이 이니셔티브를 지원하는 데 엄청난 헌신을 보여 주었으며 서로 효과적으로 협력했습니다. 이들은 모두 RBHA 내에서 서로 다른 부서에 소속되어 있지만 자연스럽게 한데 어우러져 최고 수준의 전문성을 바탕으로 RBHA와 지역 프로그램을 모두 대표해 왔습니다.

지원 직원 - 팬데믹 기간 동안

2023-01-10 오전 12:00:00

지원 직원 - 팬데믹 기간 동안

팬데믹 기간 동안 에릭, 베스, 비벌리는 의료 서비스 부서 가족의 일원이 되었습니다. 세 사람 모두 개인이 마스크를 착용하고 예정된 약속을 확인하도록 함으로써 의료 서비스 부서와 잘 협력했으며, 개인이 COVID 검사 중에 의학적 우려 사항을 보고한 경우 실무 관리자/프로그램 관리자 및 정신과 의료 간호사에게 신속하게 경고했습니다. 의료 서비스 팀은 그 어려운시기에 그들의 도움 없이는 일상 생활을 마칠 수 없었으며 우리는 항상 그들에게 감사 할 것입니다.

노숙자 전환 지원 프로젝트 (PATH) 봉사 활동 팀

2023-01-10 오전 12:00:00

노숙자 전환 지원 프로젝트 (PATH) 봉사 활동 팀

2020년 3월 RBHA 직원 대다수가 재택근무를 위해 집으로 보내졌을 때 RBHA의 PATH 아웃리치 팀을 포함하여 커뮤니티에서 업무를 늘려야 하는 몇 가지 프로그램이 있었습니다. CDC는 처음에 노숙자를 경험하는 사람들이 Covid-19 바이러스에 감염되어 사망할 위험이 더 크다는 것을 인식했습니다. RBHA의 아웃리치 팀은 지역 사회의 다른 노숙자 서비스 제공업체와 협력하여 노숙자의 부정적인 영향을 줄이기 위해 2020년 3월에 동원되어 오늘날까지 계속되고 있습니다.

RICH 클리닉 공인 의료 보조 팀

2022-08-04 오전 12:00:00

RICH 클리닉 공인 의료 보조 팀

Rasheena, Latoya 및 Sandy는 모두 RICH Clinic Team의 놀라운 자산으로 입증되었습니다. 그들은 고객 및 동료와 훌륭한 관계를 구축했으며 이곳에서 근무하는 동안 클리닉 서비스의 성장에 기여했습니다. 세 사람 모두 열심히 일하고 가능한 한 기꺼이 도울 것입니다. 각각은 진료소에서 도움을 주거나 여러 번 늦은 고객을 만나기 위해 늦게까지 머물렀습니다. 그들은 모두 많은 변화 (COVID 운영, 한 지점에서 건물 이동, 새로운 클리닉 공간 개방)의시기에 클리닉에 합류하여 보폭을 넓히고 고객이 최상의 치료를받을 수 있도록했습니다. 우리는 당신을 감사한다.

할 수있다 2022

2022-06-24 오전 12:00:00

독단적 인 지역 사회 치료 (ACT) 팀

ACT 팀은 전염병 기간 내내 탁월한 대면 서비스를 지속적으로 제공해 왔습니다. 그들은 우리가 봉사하는 사람들의 필요를 충족시키고 돕기 위해 팀워크와 창의력을 보여줍니다. 이 팀은 유연성, 헌신, 노력, 협업, 신뢰성 및 공감을 보여 주면서 심각한 정신 질환을 앓고있는 사람들에게 고품질의 집중적 인 지역 사회 활동을 제공합니다. 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 사진 : 앞줄 - 제시카 휘튼, 공인 피어 복구 전문가; 셰인 카릴로 박사, 정신과 의사; 크리스티 월트홀, 행정 보조원; Alic'e Robinson, 면허가있는 실용적인 간호사. 백 로우 - 제프리 시악, 케이스 매니저 (CM); 매기 세이건, CM; 도나 매킨토시, CM; Darjane Westry, 임상의; 캘빈 앤더슨, CM; 헤더 니만, 수석 간호사; 루시 샤피로, 임상의; 앰버 스파이비, 프로그램 감독자.

직원 스포트라이트

Awtum Johnson, LCSW

2/18/2025 12:00:00 AM |

Awtum Johnson, LCSW

Clinician I - Therapeutic Day Treatment

Congrats to Awtum for her achievement in becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Awtum started at RBHA in 2021 as a Support Coordinator in Developmental Services before transitioning to a Clinician position in our school-based Therapeutic Day Treatment Program in 2022. Her pursuit of excellence isn’t over yet – Awtum is currently enrolled at the University of Kentucky pursuing a Doctorate in Social Work. Continue to soar high Awtum!

Naomi Brewington, LPC

2/17/2025 12:00:00 AM |

Naomi Brewington, LPC

Care Coordinator II - Women's Residential Treatment Center

Congratulations, Naomi, for earning your credentials as a Licensed Professional Counselor! Naomi completed her internship at RBHA in 2022 and officially joined the team at the Women’s Residential Treatment Center (WRTC) in October 2023. “I chose this field because I am passionate about making a positive impact in my clients' lives. Many people come to me during some of their most challenging moments, and my goal is to ensure they feel supported and never alone. A quote that deeply resonates with me—and one that I strive to embody every day—is, 'Be the change you want to see in the world.' Through my work, I am committed to doing just that.” We’re glad you’re here, Naomi, and congratulations on this tremendous achievement.

Taylor Shea, LCSW

7/22/2024 12:00:00 AM |

Taylor Shea, LCSW

Clinician I, Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services

Congratulations to our newest Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Taylor Shea! Taylor has been with RBHA as a clinician in the Substance Use Division since September 2021. She started her career here in the HOPE program at North Campus and transitioned to the Substance Use Outpatient team in fall of 2023. Taylor is passionate about making mental health and substance use services effective and available to all. In the future, she hopes to work in program development as well as teaching and supervising the next generation of helpers. We are lucky to have you as part of our team, Taylor! #fearless #LCSW

Dara Lewis, SHRN-CP

7/17/2024 12:00:00 AM |

Dara Lewis, SHRN-CP

Lead Talent Acquisition & HR Compliance Coordinator

Congratulations to Dara Lewis for completing the requirements to earn her designation as a Society for Human Resources Management – Certified Professional (SHRM-CP). In addition to this new certification, Dara begins her new position this week as Lead Talent Acquisition & HR Compliance Coordinator. Congrats, Dara!

Chaniqua Jones, LCSW

5/17/2024 12:00:00 AM |

Chaniqua Jones, LCSW

Rapid Access School Based Clinician II

Chaniqua was recognized with the Outstanding New Field Instructor Award at the VCU 2024 Community Partners Awards Ceremony on May 15th. Chaniqua joined Richmond Behavioral Health as her first ever job in 2019, and since has consistently demonstrated a commitment to learning, professional development, and the students she serves. This year she took on her first field placement student and embraced the challenge with a genuine desire to impart knowledge and provide hands-on experience. Her motivation stemmed from her own gratitude for those who have supported her growth journey in her internship and here at Richmond Behavioral Health. It has been an exciting year for Chaniqua, obtaining her LCSW, TFCBT certification and being recognized for her excellent field instruction. She has already requested an intern for fall 2024 and we thank her for her commitment to the future of behavioral health.

Dr. Elethia

2/15/2024 12:00:00 AM |

Dr. Elethia "Lee" Moore

Registered Nurse - Region 4 REACH Programs

Congratulations to Dr. Elethia “Lee” Moore for recently earning her doctoral degree in Nursing AND earning her credentials as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. These are outstanding achievements, and we are fortunate to call her a colleague. Her full title didn’t fit in the headline: Dr. Elethia Moore, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN, PMHNP-BC, QMHP, QDDP – goodness!

앤드류 이더리지

6/12/2023 12:00:00 오전 |

앤드류 이더리지

의료 데이터 품질 관리자

앤드류는 최근 그레이터 리치몬드 및 피터스버그 유나이티드 웨이의 '성공을 향한 우리의 발걸음' 시상식에서 그 공로를 인정받았습니다. 앤드류는 커뮤니티 임팩트 부문 수상자입니다: 리치몬드 청소년들에게 취업 준비 기술 교육을 제공한 공로로 커뮤니티 영향: 개인상을 수상했습니다. 이 상은 지역 사회의 삶을 변화시키려는 United Way의 노력을 공유하는 사람에게 수여됩니다. 축하합니다, 앤드류! 우리 조직과 지역사회를 위해 봉사해 주셔서 감사합니다!

질리안 올슨, LCSW

4/27/2023 12:00:00 오전 |

질리안 올슨, LCSW

케어 코디네이터, OBAT, RICH 클리닉

새로 면허를 취득한 임상 사회복지사 질리안 올슨에게 축하의 인사를 전합니다! 질리안은 RBHA의 사무실 기반 중독 치료(OBAT) 프로그램에서 케어 코디네이터로 일하고 있으며, 이는 RBHA 리치 클리닉을 통해 제공되는 서비스입니다. LCSW가 되려면 많은 노력이 필요합니다. 축하해요, 질리언!

케이티 클랜, LCSW

4/27/2023 12:00:00 오전 |

케이티 클랜, LCSW

프로그램 관리자 III, 성인 정신 건강

체스터필드 카운티 정신 건강 지원 서비스는 최근 2023년 연례 표창 만찬에서 RBHA의 케이티 클란에게 서비스 파트너십 상을 수여했습니다. 축하해요 케이티! 저희 직원 중 한 명이 커뮤니티에 기여한 공로를 인정받게 되어 항상 영광입니다.

쉬나 가너, SHRM-CP

2023-01-11 오전 12:00:00 |

쉬나 가너, SHRM-CP

Administration, Benefits, & Equity Manager

Sheena가 요구 사항을 완료하고 공인 전문가로서 인적 자원 관리 협회 (SHRM-CP) 시험에 합격 한 것을 축하합니다.

홀리 슈라이너, LPC

2022-09-23 오전 12:00:00 |

홀리 슈라이너, LPC

평가 임상의, 정신 건강 도켓

우리의 최신 라이센스 전문 카운슬러에게 축하! Holly는 2021 년 8 월부터 정신 건강 도켓 평가 임상의로 재직하고 있습니다. 그녀는 사려 깊고 양심적이며 자신의 역할에 대한 접근 방식에서 측정됩니다. 우리는 그녀의 노력과이 엄청난 업적을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.

섀넌 리베라, 심폐소생술

2022-09-22 오전 12:00:00 |

섀넌 리베라, 심폐소생술

여성 물질 사용 장애 프로그램

나는 CPRS가 된 이유는 누군가가 내 안에서 내가 못했던 것을 보았기 때문이다. 목표는 나에게 자유롭게 주어진 것을 돌려주는 것입니다. 섭취 날짜: 2/06/2004

페기 페이지, 심폐 소생술

2022-09-19 오전 12:00:00 |

페기 페이지, 심폐 소생술

리치 클리닉

나는 정신 건강 및 물질 사용 장애로 회복중인 사람입니다. 나는 회복 과정에서 동료 지원을 제공하면서 개인적인 도전 과제를 헤쳐 나갈 수 있도록 개인과 공유하는 많은 경험을 가지고 있기 때문에 CPRS가되었습니다!

칼라 히스, R-CPRS

2022-09-16 오전 12:00:00 |

칼라 히스, R-CPRS

지역 피어 복구 전문가 코디네이터 리드

저는 RBHA에서 리드 지역 피어 복구 전문가 코디네이터로 일합니다. 피어 스페셜리스트 작업은 내 인생에서 만든 차이 때문에 나의 열정이되었습니다. 동료의지지와 이 분야에 뛰어드는 것은 내가 갇혀 있다고 느꼈을 때 내 삶의 의미와 목적을 부여했다. 저는 RBHA에서 거의 8 년 동안 일해 왔으며 18 년 동안 정신 건강 문제에서 회복되었습니다. #recoverymonth #celebraterecovery

애슐리 미클, LCSW

2022-08-04 오전 12:00:00 |

애슐리 미클, LCSW

케어 코디네이터

Ashley에게 축하합니다 - 우리의 최신 면허가있는 임상 사회 복지사. Ashley는 6 년 동안 RBHA에 고용되어 현재 RBHA 노스 캠퍼스에서 남성 주거 치료 센터의 케어 코디네이터로 일하고 있습니다. 명성, 애슐리, 당신의 성취에.

휘트니 시드니, LCSW

2022-06-23 오전 12:00:00 |

휘트니 시드니, LCSW

향상된 케어 코디네이터 임상의(Enhanced Care Coordinator Clinician)

휘트니는 이번 달 LCSW 시험에 합격했으며 공식적으로 면허를 소지 한 임상 사회 복지사입니다. 휘트니는 6년 동안 RBHA에 근무하고 있습니다. 그녀는 RBHA에서 MSW 인턴으로 경력을 시작했으며 2016 년에 성인 정신 건강 사례 관리자로 고용되었습니다. 그 이후로, 그녀는 향상된 치료 코디네이터 임상의 (ECC)로서의 현재 역할로 전환했습니다. 휘트니를 축하합니다.

어린이 정신 건강 리더십 팀

2022-06-06 오전 12:00:00 |

어린이 정신 건강 리더십 팀

때때로 우리의 슈퍼 히어로들은 망토를 착용합니다. RBHA의 어린이 정신 건강 부서의 두려움없는 지도자들에게 감사드립니다.


로라 미닉

1991년 11월 4일 - 2022년 12월 30일

로라 미닉

클라이언트 및 가족 업무 코디네이터

Laura는 1991년 RBHA에서 모바일 팀(ACT)의 일원으로 시작했습니다. 그녀는 다양한 직책에서 일했지만 RBHA에서 대부분의 시간은 고객 및 가족 업무 코디네이터의 직책이었습니다. Laura는 인내심, 차분한 태도, 항상 시간을 내어 경청하고, 지원을 제공하거나, 필요한 사람들을 위한 공간을 확보하는 것으로 유명합니다. 그녀는 친절하고 근면하며 관대합니다. Laura는 지속적으로 개인의 필요와 권리를 최우선으로 생각했으며 이에 대해 항상 감사할 것입니다. 다년간의 봉사에 감사드립니다!

커밍스 건너뛰기

1985년 4월 15일 - 2022년 6월 30일

커밍스 건너뛰기

응급 서비스 관리자

37 년. 와우. Skip은 수년 동안 RBHA의 응급 서비스 관리자로서 지역 사회에 봉사해 왔습니다. 그는 세부 사항의 주인이며 기관 역사를 지키는 사람이며, 헌신, 보살핌 및 연민의 모델입니다. 그가 수년 동안 영향을 미쳤던 삶의 수는 셀 수없이 많습니다. 우리는 Skip이 즐겁고 편안하며 성취감있는 은퇴를 기원합니다. 그는 그것을 얻었습니다.


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